Beautiful abs are a popular body part that is wanted and sought after by all different types of people all you need to get them are the correct routines to build muscle. Beautiful abs are popular for movie stars and other people in the public view because of their connection to popularity fame and prestige. Diet and exercise are the two best methods to begin working to a way to get those sough after abs you've always dreamed of. Routines to build muscle and abs are meant to get your muscles burning that extra fat so that your muscles expand and there are many different exercises you can do. First are crunches. Crunches are one of the most popular abdominal routines to build muscle and are done by lying on your back with your feet pulled up so that your knees are bent. Using only your abdominal muscles pull yourself up and touch your elbows to your knees. Slowly lower yourself down onto your back but do not completely rest your back on the floor. This is done so that your abdominal muscles are never fully relaxed during the exercise and this helps them develop faster. Repeat this until you feel a nice burning sensation in your muscles. This sensation tells you that you are doing your routines to build muscle correctly and that your muscles are starting to tear and when they mend themselves again you will be a bit stronger. Other routines to build muscle are bicycles and leg lifts.

Bicycles are other routines to build muscle that you can do. Bicycles are done by lying on your back again with your feet up in the air this time. Lift your head and as much of your back as you can off of the ground and touch your right elbow to your left knee. Then touch your left elbow to your right knee. The name of this comes from the appearance of you riding an invisible bicycle on the ground. Leg lifts are next and they are one of the more advanced routines to build muscle. Start by lying on the ground again. This time put your hands at your side and lift your legs up so that the bottoms of your feet are towards the ceiling. Do these while keeping your legs together.

These are the three best routines to build muscle in your abdominal area.


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    I am very fit, healthy and experienced in many different exercise methods. I regularly exercise to keep in shape and eat well to maintain my body image.

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