To get great abs you have to be willing to make the changes in your lifestyle that will allow you to have great abs. To get great abs you have to work hard and have the determination to actually see your goal through till it is completed. There are some things that will help you to accomplish your goal however.

Firstly to get great absyou have to eat in the correct way. It is not enough to eat whatever you like whenever you feel like it anymore. You should eat around 4-5 smaller meals a day instead of 1 to 3 larger ones. Eat foods that have protein if you are looking to build muscle in your abdominal region. Also make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with fibre in them.

Next step on the path to get great abs is you have to make sure that you are doing the exercises in the correct way.  To get great abs you have to do an entire range of workouts when you decide to exercise. Some people make the mistake of only doing one exercise that exercises the area that they want to lose fat. This will not work. Getting fit is a whole body activity, if you do not do the whole thing you will not get any of the benefits. This is because when you exercise only one specific area, contrary to popular belief, the fat from that specific area does not diminish, your entire body fat diminishes. This means that to get rid of the fat of one part of your body you have to get rid of the fat on all parts of your body. For your muscles however you simply exercise the part that you want to get stronger in. To get great abs that show you first need to get rid of the fat in that area.

Doing too much of an exercise in too short amount of time is also a bad thing. To get great abs you have to work out continuously over an extended period of time. Some people will work out vigorously for a day to a week and then stop and they will still expect good results. This is bad. Muscles get stronger by first being exercised to the point of tearing when small tears form in the muscle tissue. After that it takes about a day of resting the muscle for the muscle to regenerate itself stronger in preparation for the next time you work out. So each time you tear the muscle it gets stronger in preparation for the next workout. To get great abs you have to give your muscles time to grow back.

If you want to get great abs you have to remember these things along with doing the proper exercises.


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    I am very fit, healthy and experienced in many different exercise methods. I regularly exercise to keep in shape and eat well to maintain my body image.

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